规模生猪养殖,scale pig breeding
1)scale pig breeding规模生猪养殖
2)pig production area生猪规模养殖生态系统
3)Pig production ecosystem生猪规模养殖区域
4)swine production生猪养殖


1.Evaluation of the Quality Safety Assurance Ability of Pig-breeding Company;生猪养殖企业质量安全保障能力评价研究
2.Disadvantage and answer measure of poor-quality cement mortar during the swine production劣质水泥沙浆对生猪养殖的危害及应对措施
3.Feedback & Simulation Study on Ecosystem Management for Rural Pig Production Area and Its Application;农村生猪养殖区域生态系统管理的反馈仿真及应用研究
4.Effective Combination of Unified and Separated Managing– Successful for Peasant Association –Case Study on Paishang Piggery Association in Pingxiang City;统分经营的有效结合:农民协会的成功所在——基于萍乡市排上生猪养殖协会的案例研究
5.Strategic Thinking on Development of Healthy Breeding Industry of Pig in China中国生猪健康养殖业发展的战略思考
6.Studies on Spermatogenesis, Proliferation and Differentiation of Piglet s Germ Cells in Vitro;仔猪生精细胞体外培养、增殖及分化研究
7.Study on Treatment of Swine Wastewater by Membrane Bioreactor;膜生物反应器处理猪场养殖废水的研究
8.Effect of Antibiotics on Production Environment of Suhuai Pigs Based on Ferment Bed Culture System抗生素对苏淮猪发酵床养殖环境的影响
9.Research on the Informatization Management System of Culture and Production Process of Breeding Pigs and Its Application种猪养殖生产过程信息化管理系统研究与应用
10.Effects of Deep-Litter Systems on Enviroment in Swine House and Swine Productivity in Cold Seasons冬季发酵床养殖模式对猪舍环境及猪生产性能的影响
11.Localization of Murine Primordial Germ Cells in Genital Ridge and the Isolation and Culture of Primordial Germ Cells in Mouse and Pig;小鼠原始生殖细胞在生殖嵴的定位及其与猪原始生殖细胞的分离培养
12.Studies in Effects of Dietary Zinc, Selenuim and Vitamin E Level on Growth and Reproductive Performance in Breeding Pigs;微量养分锌、硒和维生素E对种猪生长发育和繁殖性能影响的研究
13.The Construction and Realization of the Production Management Digitization Platform for Precision Feeding of Commercial Pig;商品猪精细养殖生产管理数字化平台的构建与实现
14.Expression of Neuotrophic-45 Factor in Reproductive Organs from Sows神经营养素(NT)-4/5在母猪生殖器官中的表达研究
15.Effects of Dietary Fiber on Nutrition Physiology and Reproductive Performance in Multiparous Sows日粮纤维对经产母猪的营养生理作用及繁殖性能的影响
16.Desire for standardization transformation of live pig breeding farms based on supply conditions供给条件下生猪规模养殖场标准化改造的意愿分析
17.The Relationship Between the Reproductive Performance of Hyperprolific Primiparous Sows and the Nutrient Cost of the Piglet;高产仔母猪繁殖力与仔猪营养成本的关系研究
18.Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, which includes the domesticated pig as well as wild species, such as the boar and the wart hog.猪猪科动物的各类哺乳动物,包括家养猪及野猪和疣猪等野生猪

pig production area生猪规模养殖生态系统
3)Pig production ecosystem生猪规模养殖区域
4)swine production生猪养殖
5)Hog cultivation生猪养殖业
6)raise pigs on a large scale规模养猪

长生猪【长生猪】  佛教把“杀生”列为第一重戒,主张以慈悲的精神保护、拯救人和一切动物的生命,谓之“护生”。“护生”被认为是功德无量的。释迦牟尼在前世,曾有“舍身饲虎”的壮举。过去,有些寺院中豢养“长生猪”、“长生牛”,以示佛门慈悲之意,好生之德。《太平广记》卷一百引唐·牛肃《纪闻》:“唐开元十八年,京菩提寺有长生猪,体柔肥硕,在寺十余年,其岁猪死,僧焚之,火既烬,灰中得舍利百余粒。”又如清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录一》载:一猪见邻翁“辄嗔目狂吼,奔突欲噬”。邻翁怒极,打算买下这头猪杀了吃,忽然猛省:这大概就是佛门所说的“夙冤”吧!邻翁便以高价买下这头猪,再把它送到寺院中作为“长生猪”。后来,邻翁再去见这头猪,猪竟俯首贴耳,作亲昵状。此外又有“长生牛”。宋·洪迈《夷坚丙志·长生牛》谓,宋代绍兴年间曾下令禁屠,将牛牵入佛寺作“长生牛”,养数年方死。(李明权)

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